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Arcane School: Transmutation

Change and mutation are the arcane subjects that you have studied in depth. You gain the following abilities each time you take this trait.

Augmented Self: When first selecting this spell school, you gain a +1 bonus to one of your ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

Force Manipulation: For the second ability, you can, as a single action, make a Spell Attack at a target at a range of 30 feet with a telekinetic fist. This deals 1d6 force damage and can be used a number of times per 24 hours equal to 3 + your Proficiency Score. You can boost this ability and these boosts only cost 4 trait points. Each time you boost this, increase the damage by an additional 1d6.

Self Alterations: For the third ability, you can change your shape as per the Wild Shape trait, even if you normally would not meet the prerequisites. You can boost this ability, each time you do so, treat it as if you had boosted the Wild Shape trait.