- Prerequisite: Proficient with the Perform Skill
- Cost: 5 Points
You can use the Perform skill to create supernatural effects on those around you, including yourself if desired. You can use this ability for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency Score per 24 hours. These rounds can be used to create any effects that rely on the rounds of Bardic Performance. The total number of rounds of the Bardic Performance per 24 hours is renewed after a Long Rest. You can regain a number of rounds for a Short Rest equal to a quarter your total and you can only benefit from this recovery once before taking a Long Rest.
Starting a bardic performance is a single action and must be maintained each round as a concentration, which requires an action. Changing the effects of Bardic Performance from one trait to another is a free action. A bardic performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if you gain the Dead, Paralyzed, Stunned, Stupefied, or Unconscious conditions, or otherwise prevented from taking a concentration action to maintain it each round. You cannot have more than one trait that relies on the Bardic Performance in effect at any given time.
Each Bardic Performance is unique to you and relies on your Perform Skill. The Bardic Performance, as based on the Perform Skill, has audible components, visual components, or both. Bardic Performance is always considered supernatural.
If your performance has audible components, the target(s) must be able to hear you for the performance to have any effect, and such performances are language dependent. If you have the Deafened condition, you have a 50% chance to fail when attempting to use Bardic Performance or dependent abilities with the auditory or lingual tags. If you fail this check, the attempt still counts against your daily limit. Creatures with the Deafened condition are immune to your Bardic Performances with the auditory or lingual tags.
If your performance has a visual component, the targets must have line of sight to you for the performance to have any effect. If you have the Blinded condition, you have a 50% chance to fail when attempting to use Bardic Performance or dependent abilities with the visual tag. If you fail this check, the attempt still counts against your daily limit. Creatures with the Blinded condition are immune to your Bardic Performances with the visual tag.