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Bond: Mount

Combine: Devout Follower

Cost: 4 Points or 6 Points

For the lower cost you gain the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve you. This mount is usually a heavy horse (for a Medium character) or a pony (for a Small character), although more exotic mounts, such as a boar, camel, or dog are also suitable depending on GM discretion. The mount options can be found in Animal Companions, Familiar, and Mounts in the Additional section. This mount functions as the Animal Companion Bond and advances as your Proficiency Score increases however it cannot act outside that of a mount’s abilities. Mounts have an Intelligence of at least 6. Should your mount die, you may not gain another mount for 24 hours.

If you also possess the Devout Follower trait, and wish to combine them, you must take this for the higher cost but you gain the following additions. Once per 24 hours, as a triple action, you may mystically call your mount to your side. This ability counts as a supernatural ability equal to half your Proficiency Score (minimum 1). The mount immediately appears adjacent to you. When your Proficiency Score is 2 higher (based on when you first take this trait), the mount gains the celestial, entropic, fiendish, primordial or resolute template. Your mount can have only one template which is chosen when you first take this trait. When your Proficiency Score is five higher (based on when you first take this trait), your mount gains Resistance as listed under the template. Should your mount die, you may not gain another mount for 30 days or until your Proficiency Score goes up one, whichever comes first.