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Spell: Cloudkill ~ Level 5

conjuration, magical, necromancy, poison

  • Casting Time: 3 actions; Material, Somatic, and Verbal
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Area: 20-foot radius burst
  • Duration: 1 round per Proficiency Score
  • Save: Fortitude save

You conjure a moving bank of poisonous fog. This functions as an Obscuring Mist spell except in the following ways. The area moves 10 feet away from you each round. It deals a number of d6s poison damage equal to half your Proficiency Score to each breathing creature that starts its turn in the spell’s area. Each creature must attempt a Fortitude save and takes only half damage on a success, full damage on a failure, and double damage on a critical failure. Cloudkill is on the Primal Spell List.