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Spell: Dimensional Lock ~ Level 7

abjuration, magical

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Area: 30-foot radius burst
  • Duration: 24 hours

You create a shimmering barrier that automatically dispels all effects with the teleportation tag and planar travel abilities into or out of the area, including the use of items that allow access to extra-dimensional spaces, such as a Bag of Holding. Dimensional Lock dispels any attempt to summon a creature into the area but does not stop the creature from departing when the summoning ends. Dimensional Lock is on the Arcane, Divine, and Occult Spell Lists.

Heighten (+1): For each Spell Slot of the Heightened Spell Levels (8, 9, 10), increase the duration by 24 hours.

Level 8 Spell Slot. Increase the duration to 48 hours.

Level 9 Spell Slot. Increase the duration to 72 hours.

Level 10 Spell Slot. Increase the duration to 96 hours.