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Spell: Disjunction ~ Level 9

abjuration, magical

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Target: 1 magic item

Crackling energy disjoins the object. You attempt to dispel all effects on the item. If you succeed, it is deactivated for 1 week. On a critical success, it is destroyed. If it is an artifact or similarly powerful item, you automatically fail. Disjunction is on the Arcane and Primal Spell Lists.

Heighten (+1): Using a Level 10 Spell Slot, you can change the target to an area with a 30-foot radius burst. This area has the same effect on all items within as if it targeted just that item. It also attempts to dispel all effects with the magical tag within the area.