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Commonly mistaken as alchemical items, extracts require completely different ingredients to result in a wide variety of effects. Extracts apply their effects only to the person who drinks it, often called the imbiber, so most are beneficial. However, an extract can be force fed to a creature who has the Asleep, Dying, Grabbed, Immobile, Paralyzed, Stunned, or Unconscious conditions. Those with the Grabbed condition are only force fed on a successful Melee Strike while those with the Asleep condition immediate gain a Perception check with double advantage to remove the condition.

Extracts can also be added to food or drink and still apply their full effects unless otherwise stated. It requires a Perception check to notice if an extract has been added to food and drink. The DC is based on the rarity, with 15 for Common, 20 for Uncommon, 25 for Rare, 30 for Very Rare, and 35 for Legendary extracts.

All extracts have Light Bulk and require one hand to use.

Summary gives a brief description of what the extract does.

Price is the amount, in silver pieces, that the extract is worth.

Rarity is how common an item is which relates to how easy it is to acquire the item, see Equipment Rules.

Tags are used to mark particular qualities of the item. The following is a description of the qualities that each tag imparts to the extract.

Adrenaline1800 silversUncommonextract, morph
AlteringLesser20 silversCommonextract, morph
Basic600 silversUncommon
Greater1700 silversUncommon
Axolotl10000 silversVery Rareextract, healing, morph
Blessing4500Rareextract, positive
Blurred1200 silversUncommonextract, morph, visual
Brain Blast700 silversUncommonextract, psychic
Bravery200 silversUncommonextract, psychic
Chameleon1700 silversUncommonextract, morph
EasingLesser60 silversUncommonextract, psychic
Basic190 silversUncommon
Greater1200 silversUncommon
Enhanced ClawsMinor400 silversUncommonextract, morph
Lesser700 silversUncommon
Basic1700 silversUncommon
Greater3400 silversRare
True6000 silversVery Rare
Enlarging100 silversUncommonextract, morph
FrostMinor1000 silversUncommonabjuration, extract, morph
Lesser2500 silversRare
Basic3600 silversRare
Greater4900 silversRare
True7000 silversVery Rare
Gills700 silversUncommonextract, morph
Hazy Mind3700 silversRareextract, psychic
Heat Retention5 silversCommonextract, morph
Honey Badger’s Blood1100 silversUncommonextract, healing, morph, necromancy
Hot HeadMinor500 silversUncommonabjuration, extract, morph
Lesser1100 silversUncommon
Basic2200 silversRare
Greater3000 silversRare
True3900 silversRare
Immunity400 silversUncommonextract, morph
LinguistLesser350 silversUncommonextract, psychic
Basic800 silversUncommon
Greater2200 silversRare
Liquid CourageLesser1500 silversUncommonextract, psychic
Basic1800 silversUncommon
Greater4500 silversRare
MufflingMinor200 silversUncommonextract, morph
Lesser500 silversUncommon
Basic2000 silversRare
Greater2500 silversRare
True3200 silversRare
Nimbex4300 silversRareextract, morph
Polygraph700 silversUncommonextract, psychic
Primal SpeechLesser210 silversUncommonextract, morph, psychic
Basic1000 silversUncommon
Greater2900 silversRare
Recovery8500Very Rareextract, morph
Reflective Skin5 silversCommonextract, morph
Reimagining6500 silversVery Rareextract, psychic
Restoring6500 silversVery Rareextract, polymorph
RubberyMinor500 silversUncommonabjuration, extract, morph
Lesser1100 silversUncommon
Basic2200 silversRare
Greater3000 silversRare
True3900 silversRare
Runner’sLesser22 silversCommonextract, morph
Basic1200 silversUncommon
SalveLesser12 silversCommonextract, healing
Basic45 silversCommon
Greater1200 silversUncommon
Scent MaskingLesser3 silversCommonextract, morph
Basic7 silversCommon
Second Life9500 silversVery Rareextract, healing, necromancy, transmutation
Shrinking100 silversUncommonextract, morph
Skin AugmentingMinor500 silversUncommonextract, morph
Lesser1300 silversUncommon
Basic3000 silversRare
Greater5000 silversRare
True8200 silversVery Rare
Sleeping Draught45 silversCommonextract, psychic
Slimy SweatMinor500 silversUncommonabjuration, extract, morph
Lesser1100 silversUncommon
Basic2200 silversRare
Greater3000 silversRare
True3900 silversRare
Soul Armor4000 silversRareabjuration, extract
Stone6000 silversVery Rareextract, polymorph
Strongman10 silversCommonextract, morph
TransformingMinor500 silversUncommonextract, polymorph
Lesser1800 silversUncommon
Basic4000 silversRare
Greater7000 silversVery Rare
True10000Very Rare
Vaccine900 silversUncommonextract, healing, morph, necromancy
Vision EnhancingMinor6 silversCommonextract, morph
Lesser12 silversCommon
Basic900 silversUncommon
Greater4000 silversRare
True7000 silversVery Rare