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Spell: Flame Strike ~ Level 5

evocation, fire, magical, mystical

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Area: 20-foot radius burst with 40-foot height
  • Save: Reflex save

You call a rain of divine fire that plummets down from above, dealing a number of d6s fire damage equal to half your Proficiency Score. Each creature in the area must attempt a Reflex save. On a successful save the target takes half damage, on a failure the target takes full damage, and on a critical failure the target takes double damage. Because the flame is infused with divine energy, creatures in the area apply only half their usual resistance against effects with the fire tag. Creatures that are immune to fire treat their result on the saving throw as one degree of success better instead of gaining the usual benefit of immunity. Flame Strike is on the Divine Spell List.