This bull-like creature seems to be made oof interlocking metallic plates. Faint plumes of green smoke puff from its mouth.
Environment: Temperate plains, rocky hills, underground
Organization: 1-12
Proficiency Score: +9
Large; True Neutral; Animal, Mystical
Armor Class: 26 (+8 Natural, -1 Size, +9 Proficiency Score)
Hit Points: 136 (8d10+56)
Speed: Land 30 feet
Initiative: +0 (Advantage)
20 (+5) | 10 (+0) | 24 (+7) | 2 (-4) | 16 (+3) | 9 (-1) |
- Fortitude +16
- Reflex +9
- Will +12
- Perception +12
Senses: Passive Perception: 22; Dark Vision 60 feet; Scent
Languages: None
Breath Weapon (5 or 6, 60-foot cone). Ranged Strike DC 18 Fortitude Save or be inflicted with the Petrified condition. A creature can continue to attempt a new save each round unless it is caught in a second instance of a Gorgon’s breath weapon. If a creature is in a Gorgon’s breath weapon twice it is permanently Petrified.
Gore. Melee Strike +14/+9+4 (unarmed) with 4d8+5 piercing damage.
Kick. Melee Strike +14/+9/+4 (unarmed) with 2d6+5 bludgeoning damage.
Trample. As a triple action, a Gorgon can move up to twice its speed through the space of creatures one size smaller or smaller. This action deals 2d6+5 bludgeoning damage against all creatures whose spaces were moved through unless they make a DC 18 Reflex saves, half damage on a success. This action has the move tag that triggers Attacks of Opportunity. A creature choosing to take the Attack of Opportunity must give up their chance at a Reflex save unless they use two or more reactions.