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Those with the machine ancestry are often an amalgamation of machinery and other ancestries. Those who claim this ancestry often began life as members of other ancestries but then began to augment their bodies with technology, gears, and, sometimes, mystic powered sources. Given those with the machine ancestry’s origins, communities are unknown and all cultural influences come from the environment the individual grew up in.

Physical Description: Machine-touched individuals often develop a highly effective, unique appearance. Most will proudly display their machine augmentations – either completely replaced body parts or enhancements joined with their existing bodies. Some of these are highly decorative with gears, patterns, or mystic colors that glow.

While their machine augmentations often allow these individuals to go without food or sleep, they do need to turn off their machine additions so as to not drain too much energy. While still often identifying as members of their birth ancestries, many forgo the societal imposition of gender identifying as they chose: male, female, fluidity, or ignoring it.

The average life span is unknown for those of the machine ancestry as many individuals continue to use technology to maintain their life. It does take about five or so years for individuals to complete the transition with augmentations.

Given their views on the societal expectations of gender, they are not sexually dimorphic. Most stand around six feet and, with the technology additions, can weigh up to three hundred pounds.

Society: Many machine-touched tend to seek out others of their own kind, or other similar technological beings. They strongly value friends, found family, and those who treat them with respect and care. They also gravitate toward neutrality and care primarily for themselves and those in their close circles.

Relations: Due to machine-touched origins from other ancestries, individuals of this lineage tend to view others as well meaning until proven otherwise. Many form close ties to those ancestries that are sometimes shunned by other communities, such as shadowlings, tieflings, half-elves, and the like. Despite sometimes being shunned, many places still accept machine-touched individuals.

Alignment and Religion: Counter to many stereotypes, machine-touched might be considered among the most enlightened and empathetic ancestries. Individuals range across all alignments and religions, also making them one of the most versatile ancestries.

Adventurers: Machine-touched adventure for many reasons, often though it is to experience new places and events. Individuals of this ancestry are also drawn to many ways of life and lifestyles and perform many different roles.

Names: Machine-touched names often come from the individual’s birth ancestry, culture, or found communities.