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Spell: Meteor Swarm ~ Level 9

evocation, fire, magical

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 500 feet
  • Area: 4, 30-foot radius bursts
  • Save: Reflex save

While outside, you call down four blazing meteors that explode. Each meteor deals a number of d10s bludgeoning damage equal to your Proficiency Score to any creatures in the 10-foot radius burst at the center of each area of effect. The meteor then explodes, dealing a number of d6s fire damage equal to half your Proficiency Score to any creatures in each 30-foot radius burst. The meteors’ central 10-foot radius bursts cannot overlap, but a creature does take additional fire damage with overlapping explosions it is caught in. Each creature in the area can attempt a Reflex saving throw, which applies to all types of damage. On a successful save the target takes half damage, on a failure the target takes full damage, and on a critical failure the target takes double damage. Meteor Swarm is on the Arcane and Primal Spell Lists.