curse, enchantment, magical, psychic, misfortune
- Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
- Range: touch
- Target: 1 creature
- Duration: see text
- Save: Will save
You afflict the target with a curse that makes its presence off-putting and grating, depending on the outcome of its Will save. On a success, the effects of the spell mimic that of a failure but only last for a minute. On a failure, the target takes disadvantage whenever attempting a Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Performance check, and all creatures they encounter have an initial attitude toward them of one step worse, such as unfriendly instead of indifferent. The effect is permanent. On a critical failure, the effects of the spell mimic that of a failure except all creatures the target encounters have an initial attitude towards the target of two steps worse. Outcast’s Curse is on the Arcane, Divine, and Occult Spell Lists.