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Spell: Overwhelming Presence ~ Level 9

auditory, enchantment, magical, psychic, visual

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Area: 30-foot radius aura
  • Target: all creatures in area
  • Duration: see text
  • Save: Will save

You surround yourself with a supernatural splendor, appearing to be a god or similarly majestic being. You choose the aspects of your new appearance. This causes the targets to pay tribute to you by bowing or spending some other action in keeping with your appearance. The number of times they must do this depends on the outcome of their Will saves. On a failure the target pays tribute four times while on a critical failure the target pays tribute six times and spends all actions doing so.

Paying tribute is a manipulate action or move action, as chosen by the creature paying tribute. A creature under this effect must pay tribute to you at least once on each of its turns if possible. While under this spell, a creature is enchanted by you and cannot act in a hostile fashion toward you. The spell ends for a target when that target has paid all tributes. The target is Bolstered against your Overwhelming Presence. Overwhelming Presence is on the Divine and Occult Spell Lists.