Animal Companions, Familiars, and Mounts. The following section gives a list of animals that can be taken as animal companions or mounts as per the Bond trait and the improvements for them that can be taken as your proficiency score increases.
Animal Companions are the catch all for any animals that accompany your character. Any of the listed animals can be animal companions. During Encounter mode a companion has 2 actions.
Familiars are used by spellcasters to support spellcasting. Only those with the Familiar tag from the list can be used as familiars. During Encounter mode a companion has 2 actions.
Mounts are those animals used as transportation and during combat. Only those with the Mount tag from the list can be used as mounts. During Encounter mode a mount has 2 actions.
Each of the following animals has base stats provided. As your Proficiency Score increases, your companion’s Proficiency Score also increases, which affects its abilities and stats. This increase starts at what your initial Proficiency Score is when you take the Bond trait. For example, if your Proficiency Score is 4 when you take Bond (Mount), your mount will have a Proficiency Score of 1 when yours is 4, a score of 2 when yours is 5, a score of 3 when yours is 7, and so forth.
Resources. External references and extra resources.
- Actions: Cheat Sheet
- Conditions: Condition Cards
- Dice Rolls: Quick Reference
- Dying Rules: Flowchart (Digital), Image (Downloadable)
- Trait Points: Spending Calculator (Make a copy)
- Proficiency Score: What does it affect?