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This includes the most common services used by travelers, such as lodgings and transportation. It also includes some items that accompany services, like common beverages or meals. It lists some other expenses that travelers have like tolls.


BeverageAleMug (1 drink)1 copperL1
Keg (100 drinks)5 silvers102
CoffeeCup (1 drink)2 coppersL1
Pot (6 drinks)1 silver11
TeaCup (1 drink)2 coppersL1
Pot (6 drinks)1 silver11
WineCup (1 drink)5 coppersL1
Bottle (5 drinks)2 silversL1
Courierper mile1 copper
HirelingSkilledper 24 hours2 silvers
Unskilled1 silver
LodgingFloor Space12 hours for 1 creature3 coppers
Bed12 hours for 1 creature1 silver
Room12 hours for 2 creatures5 silvers
12 hours for 4 creatures8 silvers
12 hours for 6 creatures15 silvers
MealPoor1 copperL2
Square3 coppers
Fine3 silvers
StablingMedium Animal12 hours1 copper
Large Animal3 coppers
Medium1 copper
Large2 coppers
HumanoidChild1 copper
Adult4 coppers
Transportation PassageCaravanper 24 hours3 coppers
Carriage2 silvers
Ferryas per Toll
Riverboatper 24 hours3 coppers
Sailing Ship6 coppers

Steampunk Extension

Transportation PassageSky Shipper 24 hours12 silvers
Skyrail5 silvers
Steam Carriage3 silvers
Steam Horse1 silver
Steamboat5 coppers

Beverages. Drinks which include varyingly priced alcoholic options as well as steeped hot drinks like coffee or tea.

Courier. To send a message via official courier services that are either run but a guild or a nation. The price listed is per mile.

Hireling. Paid laborers can provide services for you. Unskilled hirelings can do simple grunt work and are not proficient using most, if not all, skills. Skilled hirelings are proficient in a particular skill or set of skills. Hirelings have Proficiency Score 0. If a skill check is needed, an unskilled hireling has a +0 modifier, while a skilled hireling has a +4 modifier in their area of expertise and +0 for other skill checks. Hirelings’ rates double if they are going adventuring with you and they hide from danger rather than fighting on your behalf. The prices listed are per day.

Lodging. Places to sleep in a tavern. These also make excellent starting points for other lodging options such as barns or rooms being rented. The prices listed are per day.

Meal. This has different food options, often determined by world region. The varying costs represent amount or quality of the food itself.

Stabling. This is for animals’ lodging which includes feed. The price listed is per day.

Toll. The price listed is the minimum.

Transportation. The costs to hire transportation include standard travel with no amenities. Most transit services provide basic sleeping arrangements, and some provide meals at the rates listed above. Arranging transportation into dangerous lands can be more expensive or even impossible. The prices listed are dependent on the transportation itself.