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Skills represent specialized areas of expertise and practice, whether climbing walls, studying history, or picking pockets.

Calculating Skills                                      

Your skills are calculated based off your Ability Score Modifiers. The Ability Score Modifier that a skill uses are listed next to the skill. This modifier is the bonus applied to the 1d20 roll you make for that skill check.

Skill Proficiency                                        

What does it mean to be proficient in a skill? It indicates extra time and effort to learn and practice that particular skill. When you are proficient in a skill, you add your Proficiency Score to that skill. Some actions that use skills you can attempt while not proficient with that skill but take disadvantage. Other actions you must be proficient in the skill to even attempt to use.


You can only be proficient in a number of skills equal to your Proficiency Score or Intelligence Modifier, whichever is higher.

Passive Skills                                             

A Passive Perception is 10 + your Perception bonus, not including bonus dice. This represents your unconscious awareness at all times when you are not actively seeking something with your Perception. A Passive Perception becomes a DC for others to use as a marker for success or failure, where making equal to or higher than is a success.

In fact, all skills technically have this passive form, though some are not used often, if ever, such as Passive History. These are called Passive skill, such as Passive Athletics or Passive Insight. And, like Passive Perception, it is 10 + the skill bonus, not including extra dice.

When do you use Passive Skills and when do you roll the skill? There are various ideas and rules. The most practical is whoever is actively performing the action rolls and compares it to the passive skill of all others. Such as a creature is inflicting the Grabbed condition. While they are holding you, when it is your turn in the encounter, you are actively trying to remove the condition, thus it is your Acrobatics or Athletics against the creatures Passive Athletics.

The same applies to Perception and Stealth or Deception and Insight. If you are actively searching, you roll against Passive Stealth. But if you are actively sneaking, you roll against Passive Perception. If you are lying, it is a roll against Passive Insight. But if you do not trust what someone else is saying, it is a check against their Passive Deception.

That rule holds until both creatures are active. If you are actively lying to someone who distrusts you and is actively trying the roll Insight, you might increase the creature’s Passive Insight, inflict disadvantage to your roll, or just compare two rolls.

Taking 10 or 20                                        

To Take 10 means you forgo a 1d20 roll and instead treat the check as if you had rolled a 10 on the 1d20. Some traits allow you to do this and in some situations the GM might decide it is reasonable. Similar to Taking 10, Taking 20 is treated as if you had rolled a 20. However, choosing to Take 20 can never grant you a critical success.

Armor Check Penalty                              

If a skill includes the Armor Check Penalty, namely Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth, and Thievery, then it is impacted by restrictive movement from certain armor. Any check penalty that you have from your armor gets added into these skill checks. Then range from 0 down into the negative numbers, reducing your skill bonus.

Beyond the Skill Basics

For more about earning incomes or crafting with skills, see the page linked above.



Dexterity, Armor Check Penalty Applies

Acrobatics represents one’s ability to balance, fly, and tumble. It has a focus on agility and dexterity actions and is highly useful for skill challenges or combat situations. In unique situations it might be used for performance or in replace of Athletic actions.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
BalanceMove across narrow or slippery surfacesSingle or Free ActionNomove
EscapeEscape the Grabbed conditionSingle ActionNo
FlyingFly in difficult conditionsSingle ActionDisadvantage if not Proficientmove
TumbleMove through enemy’s space without Attacks of OpportunitySingle ActionDisadvantage if not Proficientmove


Strength, Armor Check Penalty Applies

Athletics represents one’s ability to climb, swim, and generally perform feats of strength. It is most often used during combat but is useful in skill challenges and mobility in various terrain. Like Acrobatics, it might, in a rare situation, be used in performances.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
BreakSmash an item or structureSingle ActionNo
Break GrappleEnd the Grabbed conditionSingle ActionNo
ClimbMove vertically up a surfaceSingle ActionNomove
Combat ManeuverDisarm: Remove a weapon from an opponentDouble ActionNo
Grapple: Inflict the Grabbed condition on an opponent
Pull: Move an opponent forward
Shove: Move an opponent backwards
Trip: Inflict the Prone condition on an opponent
JumpJump horizontally or verticallySingle ActionNomove
SwimMove through waterSingle ActionNomove



Crafting represents one’s ability to make or repair items. It is extremely useful in sustainable practices and manageable budgets since it allows for continuous use of weapons, armor, and other gear through repair. It also provides a reliable source of income to those willing to invest time and practice into their crafting skill.

Make sure to check the Crafting Rules.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
CreateMake an itemDependentDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate, manipulate
RepairFix an item with Dents or the Broken conditionDependentNoconcentrate, manipulate



Deception represents one’s ability to lie and craft disguises. It is commonly used during role play encounters when trying to present a falsehood, but it can be used during combat to trick opponents.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
DisguiseCreate a disguise10 minutesDisadvantage if not Proficient
FeintGain advantage against an opponentSingle ActionDisadvantage if not Proficientmanipulate, move
LieDeceive a creatureSingle ActionNo



Diplomacy represents one’s ability to be polite and truthful. Like Deception, it is more frequently rolled during social encounters but only when a check is needed to change others’ opinions or to learn knowledge not willingly or easily gained.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Learn InformationGather information from local populationDependentDisadvantage if not Proficient
Social InteractionInfluence a creature’s attitudeSingle ActionNo



Dungeoneering represents one’s ability to explore and survive in highly inhospitable environments, including cavern systems and the outer planes. It is also the catch-all for information concerning unusual creatures, plants, or adventuring knowledge.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
ForageGather food and water in unusual environments1 hourDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate, move
Know DirectionOrient in unusual environmentsSingle ActionDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionNoconcentrate



History represents one’s ability to recall and understand events of the past for the purpose of application to a present situation as well as understanding the connection from the past to the present for influencing future events.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionNoconcentrate



Insight represents one’s ability to notice truth and make connections. This skill is particularly useful in social encounters for identifying lies or half-truths, but it can also be used for reflection on particular courses of actions and their potential impacts.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Discern LiesIdentify a lieReactionNo
DivineGain understanding about an action, object, person, or placeSingle ActionNoconcentrate



Intimidation represents one’s ability to terrify others for the purpose of gaining information or cow an opponent. It is most commonly used in social interactions, particularly if there is a power imbalance or blustering, however it has equal application in combat to weakening opponents using their own fears.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
CoerceForce a creature to give up informationTriple ActionNo
DemoralizeInflict the Frightened conditionDouble ActionDisadvantage if not Proficient



Lore represents one’s ability to recall and understand information about a particular subject. This is often used to represent or highlight experience or study with this subject. It can be used to remember useful knowledge or, in rare cases, as a substitute for other, related skill checks.

Unlike most other skills, Lore requires an entry as to what type of lore you specialize in. This can be anything agreed on between you and the GM, however the following list provides starting examples of Lore entries:

  • Academia
  • Accounting
  • Architecture
  • Art
  • Artifacts
  • City or Location (usually only one)
  • Creature Tag (usually only one)
  • Farming
  • Fishing
  • Fortune-Telling
  • Games
  • Genealogy
  • Guild
  • Heraldry
  • Herbalism
  • Hunting
  • Laws
  • Legends
  • Midwifery
  • Milling
  • Mining
  • Planes (usually only one)
  • Sailing
  • Scribing
  • Solar System
  • Stabling
  • Tanning
  • Terrain (usually only one)
  • Theater
  • Trading
  • Warfare
ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionNoconcentrate



Medicine represents one’s ability to heal wounds and identify conditions. This is most useful when dealing with poisons, diseases, and conditions, both to identify and to treat them. However, it finds another use with recognizing types of wounds and cause of death in remains.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
First AidRestore 1 Hit Point to a creature with the Dying conditionSingle ActionNomanipulate
Identify WoundsDetermine the causes of a woundDouble ActionNoconcentrate
Treat DiseaseProvide a counteract against a disease10 minutesYesconcentrate, manipulate
Treat PoisonProvide a counteract against a poison10 minutesYesconcentrate, manipulate



Nature represents one’s ability to recall and understand information pertaining to the natural world. It is very useful when training or commanding domestic animals, riding mounts, and understanding the nature, including fauna and flora, geology, and weather.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Handle AnimalCommand an animalSingle ActionDisadvantage if not Proficient
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionNoconcentrate
RideRide a mountSingle ActionNo
Train AnimalTeach an animal a new command24 hoursYesconcentrate, manipulate, move



Perception represents one’s ability to notice physical details. Its primary use is in searching a room, area, or physical object and is often used during skill challenges. It is also central to noticing hiding creatures.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
SearchSearch within an areaSingle ActionNoconcentrate



Performance represents one’s ability to entertain through performing arts. This can be used as income, inspiration, or a distraction among its many applications.

Unlike most other skills, Perform requires an entry as to what type of performance you specialize in. This can be anything agreed on between you and the GM, however the following list provides starting examples of Perform entries:

  • Acting
  • Comedy
  • Dancing
  • Keyboard Instruments
  • Oratory
  • Percussion Instruments
  • Singing
  • String Instruments
  • Wind Instruments
ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
PerformPerform for an audienceDependentDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate



Profession represents one’s ability with a certain job to generate income. While making a living is the most common application of this skill, it can also be used during skill challenges, applicable social situations, or combat, depending on the circumstances.

Unlike most other skills, Profession requires an entry as to what type of work you specialize in. This can be anything agreed on between you and the GM, however the following list provides starting examples of Profession entries:

  • Accountant
  • Actor
  • Alchemist
  • Architect
  • Armorer
  • Artist
  • Assassin
  • Bookbinder
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Captain
  • Carpenter
  • Cook
  • Diplomat
  • Doctor
  • Farmer
  • Farm Hand
  • Fisherman
  • Fortune-Teller
  • Fur Trapper
  • Gambler
  • General
  • Glassblower
  • Guard
  • Guide
  • Guild Master
  • Healer/Herbalist
  • Herald
  • Hunter
  • Jeweler
  • Judge
  • Knight
  • Lawyer
  • Locksmith
  • Mason
  • Merchant
  • Midwife
  • Miller
  • Miner
  • Navigator
  • Painter
  • Pirate
  • Potter
  • Sailor
  • Scholar
  • Scout
  • Scribe
  • Sculptor
  • Sheriff
  • Shipwright
  • Shoemaker
  • Silversmith
  • Singer
  • Soldier
  • Squire
  • Stable Hand
  • Tailor
  • Tanner
  • Trap Smith
  • Weapon Smith
  • Weaver
ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
ExpertiseRecall information pertaining to your professionSingle ActionYes
WorkWork a job for an income8 hoursNoconcentrate, manipulate, move



Religion represents one’s ability to recall and understand religious scriptures and creatures, such as those from certain outer planes. It can also be used to perform religious rituals.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Perform a RitualConduct a religious riteDependentYesconcentrate
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionNoconcentrate



Society represents one’s ability to recall and understand information about society. This is also used for social interactions within various parts of society and is used for linguistics, writing, and living.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
ForgeryCreate a forged document or artworkDependentDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate, manipulate
LinguisticsRead or write in a foreign language or codeTriple ActionYesconcentrate
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionNoconcentrate
Rough LivingSurvive on the streets24 hoursNoconcentrate, move


Dexterity, Armor Check Penalty Applies

Stealth represents one’s ability to sneak undetected or conceal physical objects. It is most used during skill challenges but can also be quite useful during combat.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Conceal an ObjectHide a small itemSingle ActionNomanipulate
Hide/SneakGain the Sensed conditionSingle ActionNomove



Survival represents one’s ability to forge and persist in inhospitable conditions beyond areas of dense habitation. This skill is most useful in skill challenges and helps with knowing direction, finding food, building shelter, tracking, or avoiding being tracked.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Build ShelterBuild a shelter in the wilderness1 hourDisadvantage if not Proficientmanipulate, move
ForageGather food and water in the wilderness1 hourDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate, move
Hide TracksHide your tracksDouble ActionDisadvantage if not Proficientmove
Know DirectionOrient in a wildernessSingle ActionDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate
TrackFollow a trailDependentYesconcentrate, move


Dexterity, Armor Check Penalty Applies

Thievery represents one’s ability to pick locks and pockets. It is most commonly applied during skill challenges but can be useful in combat.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
DisableTurn a device on or offSingle ActionYesconcentrate, manipulate
Pick a LockOpen a lockSingle ActionDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate, manipulate
StealTake a small itemSingle ActionNomanipulate

Fantasy Extension



Arcana represents one’s ability to recognize magic and understand how it works. It is extremely useful in identifying and learning spells, reading magical writing or writing about magic and remembering information pertaining to the subject.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Identify a SpellIdentify a spellSingle/Triple ActionDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate
Learn a SpellLearn a spell from a scroll, book, or another person10 minutesYesconcentrate
Read MagicRead about magicDependentYesconcentrate
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionNoconcentrate

Steampunk Extension



Engineering represents one’s ability to recognize and build engines and machines.

The following chapter provides a list of basic skills and their most common actions. Below is an example skill entry.

ActionDescriptionTimeProficiency RequiredTags
Build a MachineConstruct a machine or engineDependentDisadvantage if not Proficientmanipulate
Read BlueprintsRead blueprintsDependentDisadvantage if not Proficientconcentrate
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionNoconcentrate