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Spell: Spell Turning ~ Level 7

abjuration, magical

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Duration: 1 hour per Proficiency Score

This abjuration reflects spells cast at you back at their caster. When a spell targets you, you can spend a reaction to have Spell Turning attempt to reflect it. This works like dispelling the spell, but if the spell is successfully dispelled, the effect is turned back on the caster. Whether or not the dispel attempt is successful, Spell Turning ends. Spell Turning cannot affect spells that are not targeted, such as those with areas. If Spell Turning reflects a spell back at a caster who also is under the effect of Spell Turning, their Spell Turning can attempt to reflect their own spell back at you again. If this happens, their dispel attempt automatically succeeds. Spell Turning is on the Arcane Spell List.