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Suli, or suli-jann, are the descendants of mortals and jann. They manifest their otherworldly heritage in adolescence or when awakened by an encounter with a genie. Strong and attractive, these dynamic individuals can call forth elemental energies to augment their prowess in combat. Neither genie nor quite humaniod, suli stand in two worlds and often feel as if they do not belong to either.

Physical Description: Suli are the geniekin most likely to appear as members of other ancestries, to the point that they are nearly indistinguishable as children and can pass as tall, beautiful members of their mortal parent’s ancestry as adults. Suli stand out for their vibrant eyes, brilliant bronze skin, and the charm and intensity from their heritage.

While blessed with outsider heritage, suli live remarkably similar life span to humans. They reach adulthood around 18, with middle age at 35 and old age around 53. The most venerable of this ancestry live into their 70s.

Suli are sexual dimorphic, with the average height of males a few inches under six feet and females around five and a half feet. Their body mass is similar, making most females weigh slightly less than males.

Society: Suli are usually boastful, arrogant, and consider bragging a cultural institution. They boast about their own accomplishments as well as their friends and family, seeking to be remembered for centuries. They are competitive and stubborn, leading to explosive interactions with equally acerbic people.

Relations: Suli are friendly with halflings, due to their mutual hatred of servitude. Humans and half-elves are also considered to be friends, and suli often pass as them in hostile lands.

Alignment and Religion: Suli often venerate multiple deities at once. Those who seek strength to exact revenge on societies who mistreat them worship an elemental lord (or all four), and others follow deities with great skills.

For the world of Edinose, many follow Ayhem, finding his laughter warming and his fickle tricks appealing.

Adventurers: Suli become adventurers most often to meet people and travel to exotic lands, which they value as much as wealth and power. Their empathy can also motivate suli to take action against all kinds of threats. Due to their natural charm, suli are likely to become leaders or take responsibility for diplomacy.

Names: Bessad, Hiwana, Jama, Jisuam, Luwo, Ramna, Sethom, Sirodem, Yazu