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Arcane School: Divination

You are a master of prophecies, farseeing, and the unknown uncertainties of the world. You gain the following abilities each take you take this trait.

Forewarned: When first selecting this spell school, you gain advantage on initiative checks.

Granted Clarity: For the second ability, you can, as a single action, touch a creature to give it advantage on one d20 roll for a round. You can use this a number of times equal to 3 + your Proficiency Score per 24 hours. You can choose to boost this ability by taking it multiple times and these boosts only cost 4 trait points. Each time, you increase the number of d20 rolls that can take advantage by 1 to a maximum of 5 different d20 rolls in a round.

Divination Awareness: For the third ability, you are always aware of when you are being observed through magical means as per a Detect Scrying spell with a spell level equal to half your Proficiency Score (minimum 4). You can choose to boost this ability three times. The first time you treat any magical means of observation of you as one result worse. And the second time you treat any magical observation of others as one result better. For a third boost, if you become aware of other observing you, you may attempt to use Scrying on them as if you had never met the target in person (rather than being unaware of the target’s identity).