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The following is a table of common actions used during Encounter or Exploration mode. They represent a variety of different actions to be used across many different situations. Some are used during combat or themselves trigger combat to begin, such as the use of a Strike action. Some are applicable in more inclusive situations, like the Aid action. Still more are best for Exploration or Downtime mode because of the length of time they take to accomplish. These are by no means a complete list, as additional actions can be created for more unique situations, but you can use this as a guide.

While many actions can occur only on a creature’s turn, there are two types that can happen at any point in a round: free actions and reactions.

Free actions take so little time or concentration that they do not count for any time during combat. Such examples include talking, to a limited amount, or dropping an object. You have an unlimited number of free actions in a round within reason. For example, while talking is a free action, you cannot deliver a twenty-minute monologue in six seconds.

Reactions occur in response to some external event, such as someone moving or trying something that takes attention. Everyone has one reaction a round, unless they have gained extra from some source, such as the Quick Reflexes trait. Reactions can be spent to perform certain actions such as Aid or Attack of Opportunity.

Reading an Action Entry                                     


  • Time/Action Type: The time it takes to complete an action. This includes if it is a specific action type.
  • Skills: Any skills that are used with or for the action
  • Trigger: If the action type is a reaction, this lists what must happen to allow the reaction to be used.
  • Requirement: Any conditions, abilities, or situation that must be true to use the action.

Details of the action, including anything you must do and what happens. Some actions, such as Combat Maneuver, include multiple options listed in the entry’s details.

ActionDescriptionTimeSkills (Required)Triggers / RequirementsTags
AidGain an Assist bonus to an allyReactionDependentAlly uses a skill and accepts your aid
Attack of OpportunityStrike as a ReactionReactionNoneCreature triggers this action while you wield a melee weapon
BalanceMove across narrow or slippery surfacesSingle or Free ActionAcrobaticsmove
BreakSmash an item or structureSingle ActionAthletics
Break GrappleEnd the Grabbed conditionSingle ActionAthletics
Build ShelterBuild a shelter in the wilderness1 hourSurvival (Disadvantage)manipulate, move
ChargeDouble Stride ending with advantage on a StrikeDouble Actionmove
ClimbMove vertically up a surfaceSingle ActionAthleticsmove
CoerceForce a creature to give up informationTriple ActionIntimidation
Combat ManeuverDisarm: Remove a weapon from an opponentDouble ActionAthleticsTarget is within reach, wielding a weapon, while you have one hand free
Grapple: Inflict the Grabbed condition on an opponentTarget is within reach, while you have one hand free
Pull: Move an opponent forwardTarget is within reach, while you have one hand free
Shove: Move an opponent backwardsTarget is within reach, while you have one hand free
Trip: Inflict the Prone condition on an opponentTarget is within reach, while you have both hands free
Conceal an ObjectHide a small itemSingle ActionStealthmanipulate
CrawlMove 5 feetSingle ActionYou have the Prone conditionmove
CreateMake an itemDependentCrafting (Disadvantage)concentrate, manipulate
DelayChange your initiative orderFree ActionBeginning of your turn
DemoralizeInflict the Frightened conditionDouble ActionIntimidation (Disadvantage)
DisableTurn a device on or offSingle ActionThievery (Yes)concentrate
Discern LiesIdentify a lieReactionInsight
DisguiseCreate a disguise10 minutesDeception (Disadvantage)Disguise Kit
DivineGain an understanding about an action, object, person, or placeSingle ActionInsightconcentrate
DropDrop what you are holdingFree ActionYou are holding an object
Drop ProneGain the Prone conditionSingle Actionmove
Escape the Grabbed condition
Single ActionAcrobatics
ExpertiseRecall information pertaining to your professionSingle ActionProfession (Yes)
FeintGain advantage against an opponentSingle ActionDeception (Disadvantage)You are wielding a melee weaponmanipulate, move
First AidRestore 1 Hit Point to a creature with the Dying conditionSingle ActionMedicineHealer’s Kitmanipulate
FlyingFly in difficult conditionsSingle ActionAcrobatics (Disadvantage)move
ForageGather food and water in unusual environments or wilderness1 hourDungeoneering (Disadvantage), Survival (Disadvatage)concentrate, move
ForgeryCreate a forged document or artworkDependentSociety (Disadvantage)concentrate, manipulate
Handle AnimalCommand an animalSingle ActionNature (Disadvantage)
Hide / SneakGain the Sensed conditionSingle ActionStealthmove
Hide TracksHide your tracksDouble ActionSurvival (Disadvantage)move
Identify WoundsDetermine the causes of a woundDouble ActionMedicineconcentrate
InteractChange an object or terrainSingle Actionmanipulate
JumpJump horizontally or verticallySingle ActionAthleticsmove
Know DirectionOrient in unusual environments or wildernessSingle ActionDungeoneering (Disadvantage), Survival (Disadvantage)concentrate
Learn InformationGather information from local populationDependentDiplomacy (Disadvantage)
LieDeceive a creatureSingle ActionDeception
LinguisticsRead or write in a foreign language or codeTriple ActionSociety (Yes)concentrate
PerformPerform for an audienceDependentPerform (Disadvantage)concentrate
Perform a RitualConduct a religious riteDependentReligion (Yes)Dependentconcentrate
Pick a LockOpen a lockSingle ActionThievery (Disadvantage)Thieves’ Toolsconcentrate, manipulate
Raise ShieldReduce damage for a roundSingle ActionYou are wielding a shieldmove
ReadyPrepare a single of double action for laterDouble ActionName a trigger conditionconcentrate
Recall KnowledgeRemember information about a creature, location, or ideaSingle ActionDungeoneering, History,
Religion, Society
*Arcana (Fantasy)
*Engineering (Steampunk)
RepairFix an item with Dents of the Broken conditionDependentCraftingRepair Kitconcentrate, manipulate
RideRide a mountSingle ActionNature
Rough LivingSurvive on the streets24 hoursSocietyconcentrate, move
RunMove up to four times a StrideDouble Actionmove
SearchSearch within an areaSingle ActionPerceptionconcentrate
Social InteractionInfluence a creature’s attitudeSingle ActionDiplomacy
StandLose the Prone conditionSingle ActionYou have the Prone conditionmove
StealTake a small itemSingle ActionThieverymanipulate
StepMove 5 feet without Attack of OpportunitySingle ActionSpeed of 10 feet or moremove
StrideMove distance up to or equal to your Speed Single Actionmove
StrikeMake an attack rollSingle Action
SwimMove through waterSingle ActionAthleticsmove
Take CoverGain the Covered conditionSingle ActionLarge object next to you
TalkCommunicate verballyFree ActionYou can speak
Total DefenseIncrease ACTriple Action
TrackFollow a trailDependentSurvival (Yes)concentrate, move
Train AnimalTeach an animal a new command24 hoursNature (Yes)concentrate, manipulate, move
Treat DiseaseProvide a counteract against a disease10 minutesMedicine (Yes)Healer’s Kitconcentrate, manipulate
Treat PoisonProvide a counteract against a poison10 minutesMedicine (Yes)Healer’s Kitconcentrate, manipulate
TumbleMove through enemy’s space without Attacks of OpportunitySingle ActionAcrobatics (Disadvantage)move
WithdrawStride away without Attacks of OpportunityTriple Actionmove
WorkWork a job for income8 hoursProfessionconcentrate, manipulate, move

Fantasy Extension

ActionDescriptionTimeSkills (Required)Triggers / RequirementsTags
Identify a SpellIdentify a spellSingle or Triple ActionArcana (Disadvantage)concentrate
Learn a SpellLearn a spell from a scroll, book, or another creature10 minutesArcana (Yes)Spend Trait Pointsconcentrate
Read MagicRead about magicDependentArcana (Yes)concentrate

Steampunk Extension

ActionDescriptionTimeSkills (Required)Triggers / RequirementsTags
Build a MachineConstruct a machine or engineDependentEngineering (Disadvantage)manipulate
Read BlueprintsRead blueprintsDependentEngineering (Disadvantage)concentrate