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Lessona Cassidy


A woman with close cut black hair in stark contrast to pale blue skin and white eyes without irises and only the slightly wrinkles around her mouth and eyes hint that she might be middled aged. She wears a simple grey tunic snugged over her waist with silk rope wrapped like a sash over brown trousers that end at calf high riding boots. Four dagger, two per hip, are clipped to her belt and a strap across her shoulder has over a dozen vials tucked into it. Besides these, a small pouch on her left, and two dozen bolts in a case on her right, the only other object she tends to have is a hand crossbow often leaning next to her.

Proficiency Score: +20

Medium; Individual/Repute; angelic, humanoid, samaran

Armor Class: 45 (+6 Dex, +5 Int, +20 Proficiency Score)

Hit Points: 260 (20d12+20) [1d4 Insight on Flat checks against Dying, cannot be dealt precision damage unless Feinted against]

Speed: 30 feet

Initiative: +6 (advantage)

10 (+0)22 (+6)12 (+1)20 (+5)10 (+0)17 (+3)

Saves:  Fortitude +21+1d4, Reflex +26+1d4 (ignore damage against AoEs with a success and take only half on a fail), Will +20+1d4 [1d4 Insight against effects with the death or negative tags]

Skills: Acrobatics +26, Arcana +1d4, Athletics +20, Deception +23+1d4, Dungeoneering +1d4, History +1d4, Insight +20+1d4, Intimidation +23, Lore (Thieves’ Guild) +25+1d4, Medicine +1d4, Nature +1d4, Perception +20+1d4, Religion +1d4, Society +25+1d4, Stealth +26, Thievery +26 [Can Take 10 once per day on any: Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Lore, Medicine, Nature, Religion of Society check]

Senses: Passive Perception 30, darkvision 60 feet

Languages: Abyssal, Ancient Chealain, Aquan, Attano, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Etosa, Eyun, Giant, Gnome, Gylane, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Ingarin, Joreno, Outoshi, Scada, Selan, Sylvan, Undercommon [Can understand and speak with any living creature as if under a permanent Tongues spell]

Combat Reflexes. Gain 6 extra reactions for a total of 7 reactions per round.

Sneak Attack. The following is on any attack that has advantage or against any enemy you are flanking with an ally.

  • Add 3d8 damage
  • Apply disadvantage to attacks for a round; extra attacks only extend the duration by a round and magical healing removes these
  • Opponents cannot take reactions for a round

Extra abilities:

  • Double action: you can reroll any 1s on the sneak attack damage (no die can be rolled more than once)
  • Once per 24 hours on any creature you damage with sneak attack, you can cause them to: fall asleep (Prone and Unconscious conditions) for 1d4 hours, Paralyzed for 2d6 rounds, or killed on a failed DC 31 Fortitude save


Accurate Stance. As an action, take this stance to gain advantage on attacks and ignore penalties from the Concealed or Covered condition while treating Sensed creatures as Concealed. If you score a critical hit while in Accurate Stance, Lessona deals triple damage and can reroll 1s once.

Daggers. Melee Attack +26 (agile, finesse, thrown 20 feet, versatile (slashing)) with damage based on the dagger:

  • Returning Daggers (2): 2d4 piercing damage
  • Cold Iron Daggers (2): 3d4 piercing damage
  • Keen Mithral Daggers (2): 4d4 piercing damage with a critical on a 19 or 20

Defensive Roll. As a reaction when Lessona might otherwise gain the Dying condition from weapon damage, she can attempt a Reflex against the damage (DC = damage dealt) to half it.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Attack +26 (60 feet, reload 1) with 2d6 piercing damage and bolts ignore Concealed and Covered conditions

Opportunist. As a reaction, Lessona can make a melee attack against an opponent you just took damage from one of her allies.

Resiliency. As a reaction when Lessona is brought to 0 hit points, she can gain 40 temporary hit points for a minute.
