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Knowledge, abilities, skills; either innate talents or long hours of training help to differentiate each of us from another. This section lays out the training and practices that your character has developed and continues to develop throughout the game.

There is no limit to the number of traits you can select as long as you never overspend your trait points. You can find the number of Trait Points you gain per Experience Point (XP) in Chapter XXV, Game Play.

It should be noted that you can spend trait points on any Aspect in the Heritage Section with the Latent tag. For this one Trait Point is equivalent to one Heritage Point.

Terminology for Traits

  • Altering: A term indicating this feature alters you. You can have only one altering ability active at a time, though you may possess multiple altering traits. You cannot be affected by any altering ability while also affected by an effect with the polymorph tag.
  • Combine. You can use a Trait with another, listed ability, but you do not need to have that second ability to gain and use the Trait.
  • Fortification. A Trait that applies specialized benefits to saving throws. You can have a maximum of three Fortifications.
  • Immunization. A Trait that gives immunity against some effects of tags. You can have a maximum of two Immunizations.
  • Mobility. A Trait that allows for special movement, either affecting how one moves or what one can move through or on. You can have a maximum of three Mobilities.
  • Multiple. You can take this Trait more than once.
  • Prerequisite. You must have all the abilities that follow to have access to this Trait.
  • Single. You can only take this Trait once.
  • Special. This indicates that the entry has different qualities than normal. A Trait which lists Special as a tag details more in the Trait entry. When applied to the cost of a Trait, the entry also explains more in detail.
  • Stance. Each Stance is a fighting position, and you can only have one active at a time. It takes an action to enter a stance and if you take a Stride action, you lose the benefits of the Stance until you spend an action to enter it again. You can purchase as many Traits as you want with the stance tag.
  • Style Strike. This is a term used to indicate a special Strike action. You can only use one Style Strike each round. You can purchase as many Traits as you want with the style strike tag.
  • Supernatural. This term indicates an ability that is mystical in nature.