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Avatar ~ Required Score: 20

polymorph, transmutation

  • Duration: 1 round per Proficiency Score (D)

You transform into an avatar of your deity (if you follow a philosophy, pick a closely aligned deity when taking this extract; if you follow a demigod or deity who is otherwise unlisted, discuss with the GM), assuming a Huge battle form. You must have space to expand or the extract is lost. You count as a deity in addition to your normal tags. Your gear is absorbed into you; the constant abilities of your gear still function but you cannot activate them. When you transform, you chose one of the following and gain the attacks, Speed(s), and special abilities listed:

Agnes Speed 30 feet, Fly Speed 70 feet; Starknife (agile, deadly (d6), finesse, reach 15 feet, silver, thrown 60) with a number of d6s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30; Moonbeam (range 120 feet, silver) with a number of d6s fire damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 10.

Anboleyn Speed 70 feet, immune to the Hampered condition, Burrow Speed 30 feet; Longbow (deadly (d8), range 150) with a number of d8 piercing damage equal to half your Proficiency Score plus 20, Spear (range 20 feet, reach 15 feet) with a number of d6s piercing damage equal to half your Proficiency Score plus 20.

Ayhem Speed 50 feet, fully heightened Dimension Door Power as a reaction; Fist (forceful, reach 15 feet; gain Stunning Fist once per round) with a number of d8s bludgeoning damage equal to half your Proficiency Score plus 10; Wind Strike (range 120 feet) with a number of d4s bludgeoning damage equal to half your Proficiency Score plus 30.

Chrysanthem Speed 30 feet, Air Walk (constantly); Scimitar (nonlethal, reach 15 feet, sweep) with a number of d6s slashing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 20; Wind (range 120 feet, versatile (Electricity)), with a number of d6s bludgeoning damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 20.

Daede Speed 30 feet, Fly Speed 30 feet; Rapier (deadly (d6), reach 15) with a number of d6s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 10; Melody (nonlethal, range 120 feet) with a number of d6s sonic damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30.

Egaldir Speed 70 feet, immune to the Hampered and Immobile conditions; Longsword (non lethal, reach 15 feet, versatile (piercing)) with a number of d8s slashing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 40; Shield (10 Hardness, cannot be dented or gain the Broken condition).

Esella Speed 50 feet, Burrow Speed 30 feet, Fly Speed 30 feet; Ground Strike (range 120 feet, versatile (acid)) with a number of d8s bludgeoning damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30; Staff (reach 15 feet) with a number of d6s bludgeoning damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 10.

Ganjan Speed 70 feet, ignores difficult terrain (even mystical terrain); Jaw (reach 15 feet) with a number of d12s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 40; Leg (agile, reach 15 feet, versatile (piercing)) with a number of d8s bludgeoning damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 20.

Haephet Speed 70 feet, immune to the Hampered and Immobile conditions; Greatsword (reach 15, versatile (piercing)) with a number of d12s slashing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 40.

Icarsel Speed 50 feet, Swim Speed 30 feet, immune to the Hampered condition; Shortsword (agile, finesse, reach 15 feet, versatile (slashing)) with a number of d6s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 20; Waves (range 120 feet) with a number of d8s bludgeoning damage equal to your Proficiency Score and treated as a successful Trip action.

Kapor Speed 80 feet, immune to the Hampered and Immobile conditions; Dagger (agile, finesse, reach 15 feet, thrown 40 feet) with a number of d6s slashing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 10; Midnight Pain (mental, range 120 feet) with a number of d6s negative damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30.

Morte Speed 70 feet, immune to the Hampered condition, Air Walk (constantly); Spiked Chain (disarm, trip, reach 15 feet) with a number of d8s slashing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 40; Warhammer (reach 15 feet) with a number of d8s bludgeoning damage equal to your Proficiency Score and treated as a successful Trip action.

Ocelia Speed 70 feet, immune to the Hampered condition, Air Walk (constantly); Raw Power (range 120 feet, versatile (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic)) with a number of d6s force damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30; Spear (range 20 feet) with a number of d6s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 10.

Parnell Speed 70 feet, immune to the Hampered condition, Air Walk (constantly); Lance (charge, reach 15 feet) with a number of d8s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 20; Shortsword (agile, finesse, reach 15 feet, versatile (slashing)) with a number of d6s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 20.

Rhax Speed 50 feet, Burrow Speed 30 feet, ignores difficult terrain (even mystical terrain); Light Pick (agile, reach 15 feet) with a number of d8s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 10, Pallid Plague (range 120 feet) with a number of d6s negative damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30.

Roksane Speed 70 feet, immune to the Hampered condition, Air Walk (constantly); Spiked Gauntlet (agile, reach 15 feet) with a number of d6s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30; Hellfire (range 120 feet) with a number of d6s fire damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 10.

Thullena Speed 70 feet, immune to the Hampered and Immobile conditions; Dragon Pistol (range 60 feet) with a number of d8s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score; Twin Pistol (range 70 feet) with a number of d8s piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30;.

Zinibayne Speed 70 feet, Burrow Speed 30 feet, immune to the Hampered condition; Scythe (deadly (d10), trip, reach 15 feet), with a number of d10s slashing damage equal to your Proficiency Score plus 30.

You also gain the following statistic changes:

  • Add +4 Strength bonus, +4 Dexterity bonus, and +2 Constitution bonus.
  • Add +4 Deflection bonus to AC (size not included); ignore armor check penalty and reduced Speed.
  • Trained with the listed weapon(s) and you gain an extra +15 damage bonus.
  • Gain 70 temporary Hit Points while you have the form.
  • Darkvision.
  • Gain double advantage to Athletics.

These statistics can be adjusted only by Insight bonuses, Assist bonuses, advantage, and disadvantage.

*Note: the above statistics that are provided are based off the deities from Edinose.