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Modify Memory ~ Required Score: 8

divination, mental

  • Duration: permanent
  • Save: Will save

The extract alters the imbiber’s memories, either erasing a memory, enhancing a memory’s clarity, altering a memory, or adding a false memory. The imbiber can attempt a Will save to resist the extract. On a successful save, the imbiber is unaffected but thinks your extract was something harmless instead of Modify Memory, unless it identifies the extract; on a failure, during the first 5 minutes of the extract’s duration you can spend an action to concentrate on the extract and modify a memory once each round. When you do, you imagine up to 6 seconds of memory to modify, to a maximum of 5 continuous minutes of memory. Any memories you have altered remain changed as long as the extract is active.

Heighten (12): You can use this extract on a willing imbiber in order to suppress all memory of a particular topic, detailed in 50 words or fewer. The extract patches these omissions with indistinct haze. Instead of having a duration, the effects last indefinitely.