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Aerial Form ~ Required Score: 8

polymorph, transmutation

  • Duration: 1 minute per Proficiency Score (D)

You transform into a Small or Medium flying animal form. You count as an animal in addition to your normal tags. Your gear is absorbed into you; the constant abilities of your gear still function but you cannot activate them. When you craft this extract, you chose one of the following and gain the attacks, speeds, and special abilities listed:

Bat Speed 20 feet, Fly Speed 30 feet; Echolocation 40 feet (auditory blindsight); Fangs with a number of d4s piercing damage equal to half your Proficiency Score; and Wing (agile) with a number of d6s bludgeoning damage equal to half your Proficiency Score.

Bird Speed 10 feet, Fly Speed 50 feet; Beak with a number of d6s piercing damage equal to half your Proficiency Score; and Talon (agile) with a number of d6s slashing damage equal to half your Proficiency Score.

Pterosaur Speed 10 feet, Fly Speed 40 feet; Scent; Beak with a number of d8s piercing damage equal to half your Proficiency Score.

Wasp Speed 20 feet, Fly Speed 40 feet; Stinger with a number of d8s piercing damage equal to half your Proficiency Score plus 1d6 Persistent Damage with the poison tag.

You can choose the specific type of animal (such as an owl or eagle for bird). You also gain the following statistic changes:

  • Add +4 Dexterity bonus
  • Add +1 Deflection bonus to AC (size not included); ignore armor check penalty and reduced Speed.
  • Trained in natural attacks and you gain an extra +4 damage bonus.
  • Gain 5 temporary Hit Points while you have the form.
  • Low-light vision.
  • Gain advantage to Acrobatics.

These special statistics can be adjusted only by Insight bonuses, Assist bonuses, advantage, and disadvantage. Your form prevents you from crafting extracts, speaking, or taking most manipulate actions that require hands. (The GM decides if there is doubt).

Heighten (12, 16, 20): For each heightening, your form increases a size step and your Fly Speed is Accelerated 5. You must have enough space to expand or the extract is lost. Your Deflection bonus increases by 1 but for each size increase you take a size penalty to AC: –1 for Large, –2 for Huge, –4 for Gargantuan, –8 for Colossal; your damage bonus increases by 3; and your temporary Hit Points go up by 5.