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Rune: Disrupting

necromancy, magical

  • Price: dependent
  • Bonus Value: dependent

A disrupting weapon deals extra damage to creatures with the undead tag. Such creatures, when hit by an attack with a disrupting weapon take additional positive damage and, on a critical hit, the creature is Enfeebled until the end of your next turn. Unless otherwise listed, a disrupting rune is an uncommon item.

  • Basic (1,500 silvers, +1). 1d6 positive damage and, on a critical hit, the creature is Enfeebled 1 until the end of your next turn.
  • Greater (4,000 silvers, +3). 3d6 positive damage and, on a critical hit, the creature must attempt a Fortitude save with a DC equal to half the damage dealt or is inflicted with the Enfeebled condition. On a critical success, the target is Enfeebled 1 until the end of your next turn, on a success, the target is Enfeebled 2 until the end of your next turn while on a failure, the target is Enfeebled 3 until the end of your next turn and, on a critical failure, the target is destroyed. This item is rare.