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Ring Gates

conjuration, magical

  • Price: 18,000 silvers
  • Bulk: L (each)
  • Hands: 1
  • Slot: –

These always come in pairs which resemble two iron rings, each about 18 inches in diameter. The rings must be on the same plane of existence and within 100 miles of each other to function. Whatever is put through one ring comes out the other. Up to 100 pounds (100 bulk) of material can be transferred every 24 hours this way. Objects only partially pushed through and then retracted do not count toward the daily limit. This useful device allows for instantaneous transport of items or messages, and even attacks.

A creature can reach through to grab things near the other ring, or even stab a weapon through if so desired. Alternatively, a creature can stick their head through to look around. A spellcaster can cast a spell through a ring gate. A Small character can make a DC 25 Acrobatics check to slip through. Creatures of Tiny, Diminutive, or Fine size can pass through easily. Each ring has an “entry side” and an “exit side,” both marked with appropriate symbols. Ring gates are a legendary item.

Crafting Requirements: You must supply a casting of Gate.