The LCC has several study spaces that cater to both individual and collaborative study habits. All of the LCC spaces can be reserved.
Computer Lab
The LCC has a 20-seat lab with Mac computers that provide access to specialized software, including self-study language software, proofing tools and foreign language keyboards. We also offer MacBooks to check out for 4 hour reserves from our computer cart.
Faculty are encouraged to reserve the lab for class when technology is essential.
The lab can be used for in-class learning activities, such as pronunciation/phonetics practice and collaborative multimedia projects, or for regular class meeting space.

The lounge may be reserved for academic activities and/or social functions such as: study abroad meetings, tutoring sessions, department meetings and teas, technology seminars and end-of-year gatherings.
The lounge is a collaborative space with access to foreign newspapers and books for pleasure reading.

Main Desk
The main desk provides circulation of LCC materials and course reserves (for faculty- or department-owned materials) as well as equipment checkout.
LCC student consultants are available to offer support with language-learning strategies and technology for language learning.

Multimedia Studios
(Rooms 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G)
The LCC has four sound-proof multimedia studios each with a white board, DVD player. Each room has seating for 1–3 students.
These rooms can be reserved for oral testing, Skype interviews, audio/video recording and editing, etc.

Small Group Room (Room 6A)
The LCC provides a larger sound-proof multimedia room with a white board, DVD/VHS players and EyeTV (for watching or recording multiregional media) and a wall-mounted widescreen TV.
The small group room will seat 4–6 students.
This room is a great private space for tutoring, group projects, online video conferences (Skype and Zoom) and can be reserved.